Casavant Opus 1835 and other facts

Hallo, my darlings! It’s been a few weeks but I finally have some news for you regarding music. As follows, in no particular order:

I’m working on the poster for my recital, so that should be out by next week.

I finally found the label on my Casavant! It is Opus 1835, built in 1946, which makes it 73 years old. It’s in pretty good shape if you think about that! It has an entry on the OHS Pipe Organ Database, but there are no details yet. I think I shall fill it in for them.

I have begun learning the Denisov saxophone sonata. Good luck to me, that thing is hard.

I’m half done the second of three 6 Pianos arrangements; inputting notes is tedious, especially when my reference orchestral score doesn’t quite match the audio soundtrack that I’m trying to recreate. However, our first rehearsal won’t be for several months, so I have time to finish.

The UWO Chorale has especially yummy-sounding tenor/bass sections this year! I am excited for our concerts.

I finally met Mr. Paul Merritt, who teaches organ at UWO, and hopefully he will be my teacher for the next year or two.