Why is it snowing? o_O

Hello! It’s been a while since I updated, so here’s some news…

The concert went very well! There were over 50 people there, and listening to the recording didn’t give me a heart attack, so sometime in the next few weeks I’ll be uploading a ‘highlights’ video to YouTube. I even met a young lady who might want to learn organ, so huzzah for interest in the tradition!

I’m slowly getting people to play for at school, but I’m still far from booked (however, my creative to-do list, shall I show you it?) so if you have need of me for anything, send me a message!

I’m already planning my program for a possible concert in the spring. It would be based around the Dupré Vêpres du Commun, though not without other things like Bach thrown in around the sides.

The RCCO Convention logo is in the works, never fear. I have decided it will be worth it to learn how to use the fancy tools after all, so there’ll be at least two options. Still. I like making other people make choices for me, because I’m terrible with choices.

Next update will probably be whenever I get that video up.